Meeting the Artist
My name is Rebecca Micallef and I want to welcome you to My Miniature World: a unique collection of dolls houses which I built over the course of 26 years, and the first of its kind in Malta! During your visit you will get to see various styles of dolls houses representing different historical periods, including my very own Victorian street of shops called ‘Regent Street’.
My love for doll houses started at a very young age, when I was given my very first dolls house. From that day, the wonderful world of dolls houses and miniatures became part of my life. With time, it grew to be more than a hobby; it became a ‘lifestyle’, an expression of who I am, a passion that keeps growing stronger till this day!
I enjoy creating miniatures even from a discarded piece of scrap. Creating my own miniatures gives me more pleasure and satisfaction than buying them ready-made. These unique, self-made pieces, give an added level of detail and individuality to the rooms of the dolls houses that simply can’t be achieved otherwise.
It’s been a dream come true to be able to share my work with others through My Miniature World. I hope you will enjoy your visit, and wish that my collection will inspire you to start your own journey through the magical world of dolls houses and miniatures, just like I did, all those years ago, as a little girl!
Rebecca Micallef